In early September, CRECE and PROTECT members attended the 28th Annual Conference for the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) held in Rome, Italy. The main theme of the conference was “Old and new risks: challenges for environmental epidemiology.” ISEE is a global organization with members located in more than 60 countries. The society’s conference is internationally known as the primary environmental health meetup for those in the field of epidemiology. The ISEE website points out that its members address topics such as “environmental exposures (e.g. air pollution, hazardous waste, metals, pesticides, radiation), health effects (e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurologic effects, reproductive effects), methodology (e.g. biomarkers, ecologic investigations, experimental design, exposure/dose assessment, meta-analysis, risk assessment, statistics), environment-gene interactions, and ethics and law.”
Each of the team’s attendees—Deborah Watkins, Amira Aker, Lauren Johns, Reneé Wurth, and Kelly Ferguson—presented at the conference. Their presentations varied in subject matter, some talking about CRECE/PROTECT related research and others on separate research they’d been involved in.
See the titles of each presentation below:
- Deborah Watkins:
- Phthalate exposure during windows of in utero development and ADHD symptoms at age 6-11
- BPA and phthalate exposure during in utero and peripubertal development and oxidative stress at age 8-14 years
- Amira Aker
- Association between Pesticide Biomarkers and Reproductive and Thyroid Hormones in Pregnant Women
- Lauren Johns
- Associations between repeated measures of thyroid hormone parameters in pregnancy and preterm birth
- Urinary phthalate metabolite and bisphenol-A concentrations in association with serum vitamin D levels: results from pregnant and non-pregnant women in two US populations
- Reneé Wurth:
- Association of Sources of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Cognitive Health within Older Puerto Ricans
- Kelly Ferguson:
- Associations between urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pregnant women and a panel of inflammation, oxidative stress, and angiogenesis biomarkers
- Mechanisms of endocrine disruptor action in the etiology of preeclampsia