CRECE Research Center
CRECE studies air pollution impacts on child development, and pollutant mixtures and their effects on human health.News
PROTECT Researcher Dr. Carmen Vélez Vega Wins Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award
Dr. Carmen Vélez Vega, Leader of the PROTECT Community Engagement Core, is the 2019 recipient of the Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award, presented by the American Public Health Association...
Former ROUTES Scholar & CRECE Trainee Morgan Hines presents at the 2019 Boston Motor Speech Symposium
On Friday, June 21st, former undergrad scholar and trainee Morgan Hines gave a presentation at this year’s Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium (BSMCS) hosted at Boston University. This regional...
CRECE Team Members Present at ISEE 2019
Researchers and trainees from CRECE and PROTECT attended and presented at the 31st annual conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE 2019). This year’s conference...
CRECE Publications
Find our research in leading environmental health journals.
Released: Children's Centers Impact Report
The NIEHS/EPA Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Centers have recently released their Children’s Centers Impact Report.
Research Outcomes
Between 2015 and 2022, the Center for Research on Early Childhood Exposure and Development in Puerto Rico (CRECE) studied how mixtures of environmental exposures and other factors affect the health and development of infants and children living in the heavily-contaminated island of Puerto Rico.
Since 2016, CRECE has participated in the NIH’s Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program. ECHO unites mother and child cohorts across the United States to better understand the impacts of environmental exposures on children’s health. More information about the CRECE cohort’s involvement, including links to recent ECHO publications involving CRECE researchers, are available on NIH RePORTER.